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The New Smooth 'N Shine!

Hello again and happy Monday!

There's been a lot of hair talk lately on my channels, a few may have seen I got my hair touched up and after that I shared a few of my favorite hair products that I use at home or at the salon. What I didn't share was that I was currently testing out the new straight line from Smooth 'N Shine for review, and it's finally here!

It's funny when I got the offer to test out their new line I laughed a bit (in a good way) you see, this has been my mom's go to brand for years! And she is the blow-out queen!! no matter where she is or what she's doing her hair is always perfectly straight (styles it herself) She hates not being able to style her hair and I think i've only seen her once with her hair up - it was the hottest summer day and we so happened to be visiting NASA in Houston ... Desperate times ...- But this means she's tried every single products known to mankind, that will help her hair stay smooth and perfect! So when I heard about the launch of the new straight line I already knew the products were amazing #ThanksMom I just had never really tested it for myself before.

Most of you may know me as someone who never styles her hair completely straight so why use a straight product? Well, smoothing products are the best for anyone who styles their hair with heat tools (no matter your hair type, ethnicity, hair color, everyone's hair is subject to damage) because it means we want our hair to stay a specific way, which means NO FRIZZ! My greatest thing when it comes to styling my hair is I overwork it trying to get rid of my frizz, so that I can have the perfect loose waves. My mom however uses these products so that their isn't one single curl or wave on her head, yet she still wants that light feeling and movement. (New Look pictured)

The other reason to use the New Smooth 'N Shine straight line, is for one they protect your hair against heat and breakage (big problem for me) and also they have all natural ingredients like; black seed and coconut oil and no sulfates! Ok so now let me share the products I was able to test out for this review.

1.- Smooth 'N Shine Repairing Polisher: So this is the exact one my mom uses (except this is their new look, scroll down for packaging comparison) and it is my favorite one! it is a very rich oil polisher that instantly controls static and fly-a-ways. I used it prior to applying heat, and did notice my ends more hydrated, you can also use it as a finishing shine (This is how my mom uses it)

2.- Smooth 'N Shine Conditioning Gel: This was a tough one for me to review, because I usually stay away from gels, because I hate my hair feeling stiff BUT thankfully I did give it a go and I found it to be perfect for a more relaxed look or even keeping beach waves in place without stiffness. This one I do recommend if you want a stronger hold. it is also alcohol free!.

3.- Smoooth 'N Shine Hydrating Setting Mousse: This I LOVE!! When you have fine hair like me and then remove frizz sometimes you do get too flat and well that's not what we want lol ... a good mousse will help you add volume without adding stiffness. And this one is a must try! you can use it and forget about it or try it like I did; a small amount on your roots to give you a fuller looking hair. (also the new look, old look below)

There's a big misconception of what products we should use just by what they say on the bottle, using a "straight" product doesn't mean your waves are going to disappear but it may help control your frizz, or using a curly hair shampoo will not give you an instant perm, but it will give you a bit more volume. If the product is good, go for it! that's all that matters.

Smooth 'N shine has a new look and enhanced formula (of course still using the all natural ingredients that we love) to make your experience even better! And just to make the new products easier to find at your local store, next time you stop by, here's a pic of both the polishing oil and mousse, with their old looks and now with their brand new facelift. The new collections are easier to find and identify because they now have an overall cohesive look (straight line comes in a fuschia/dark pink with brown packaging (individual pics above) ... very cute if I may say so myself

you can check out the full line on their website Smooth'

Thanks for stopping by!



Although this is a sponsored post and product was provided for review all opinions and statements made are my own.


Hola Chicas!

Pues ahora me toco probar productos nuevos, y la verdad que me diverti mucho porque esta es una de las marcas favoritas de mi mama! y ella es la reina del alaciado! No importa donde este, hasta en la playa siempre esta peinada de secadora a la perfeccion!

Smooth 'N Shine a lanzado su nueva linea enfocada a alisar, y a eso no me refiero que te va dejar el pelo ultra lacio (porque no queremos parecer perritos mojados tampoco!) pero es una super linea toda con ingredientes naturales que ayuda a proteger nuestro cabello del calor y todo lo que usamos al peinarlo (tenaza, plancha, secadora, etc)

Me toco probar 3 productos y aqui les paso el veredicto final!

1.- Repairing Polisher: Un aceite y abrillantador de 10! es algo espeso (que es bueno para los aceites) y yo lo estuve usando antes de peinarme y de verdad senti mis puntas super hidratadas o mi mama lo usa como brillo final. Este lo puedes usar diario sin importar como te peines.

2.- Conditioning gel: Este me costo un poco para probarlo porque soy anti gel (fijadores) pero al final me anime y la verdad que es un fijador con flexibilidad perfecto para las que necesitan un poco mas de control pero al mismo tiempo hidratar.

3.- Hydrating Setting Mousse: Buenisimo! ya sea para aplicar y dejarlo secar natural o como yo lo use; un poquito en la raiz para darme mas volumen!

La verdad hay una gran confusion de que productos debemos usar o no usar solo por lo que dicen en la botella pero cuando leas "straight" no creas que te va quitar tus chinos (rizos) si no te va ayudar a controlar el frizz -Como a mi- y minimizar el daño. Les recomiendo mucho estos productos no olviden buscarlos con su nuevo look (fotos arriba)



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