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Bazaar Del Sabado

Since I was young one of my favorite things to do in Mexico City was go to the "Bazaar Del Sabado" (Saturday Bazaar) and it's amazing to see that with time, what started as a small gathering of artists and artisans has grown into almost a fair! it's only gotten better with time.

Many friends who are planning on visiting Mexico City ask me for recommendations, and although San Jeronimo may not be listed as the "it" spots to go to, like Polanco, it is truly amazing and one of my favorites.

So the "Bazaar del Såbado" is basically a Saturday market but many local artists (some are already well known and up and coming) who set up sort of an art show, where you can look, buy or maybe order something from them. There's a section of smaller goods like, traditional Mexican clothing, jewelry and just cute Mexican things we all want. Then you have the galleries which are open all year round and have maybe finer things, like home decor, furniture etc ... and last but not least FOOD! so you have the street food such as chips and chicharrones on the main plaza, churros and ice cream and inside the big gallery you have restaurants.

This last Saturday it was a bit of a surprise that my dad suggested we go (it had been a while) and yes like always I ate way too much.

I went for a comfy look, this area is famous for it's cobble stones streets and side walks so heels are not recommended. These booties have such a thick chunky heel that they were ok, but I still recommend flats or sneakers. and Mexico City's weather is somewhat crazy but in a good way! if you stand in the sun you will likely get warm enough to take off you jacket or sweater but in the shade it is quite chilly same as the mornings and afternoons, which led to my comfy skirt look. This is also from Madewell just like the Orange one I wore a couple weeks ago. It's and easy look to put together for any occasion.

Thanks for stopping by!




Hola todos!!

Ya conocen el bazaar del sabado de la Ciudad de Mexico? desde chiquita ha sido de mis lugares favoritos, y no solo por la comida eh jaja que la verdad hay muchas y buenîsima! En la plaza te encuentras papitas y chicharrones, helados, churros y quien sabe que mas que no he descubierto, y adentro de las galerias tienes restaurantes Mexicanos mas tradicionales. Pero bueno el Bazaar es un tipo mercado que solo se pone los Sabados; de arte, artesanias, comidas y cositas mexicanas que a lo mejor no necesitamos pero las queremos. Tenia ya un par de años de no ir, ya saben como es cuando vives en algun lugar a veces se te pasa hacer las cosas mas turisticas. Mi papa fue el de la idea esta vez, queria una lampara para la casa y como aqui siempre tienen cosas hermosas pues nos animamos a ir. En cuanto a mi look, me puse algo comodo, y aunque estas botitas son de lo mas comodas para caminar por el tacon tan ancho, les recomiendo ir en tenis o flats. San Angel es famoso por sus calles empedradas. Esta falda es de Madewell igual que la naranja que traia hace unas semanas. Creo que ya se dieron cuenta que me gusta el estilo verdad. Pero en fin espero que les haya gustado y si planean visitar Mexico no olviden agregar el Bazaar del Sabado a su lista.



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