Sunday Funday

What's your favorite Sunday like?
For us it usually consists on going out to lunch/brunch (something good, after all it's out cheat day lol) followed by taking Bhaaloo out for a stroll, and maybe let him chase the ducks, you may have seen a lot of that on my instagram stories, and the rest just taking it easy at home.
Which means my go-to sunday look is something easy, comfortable but well gotta try to make it cute. Which is funny but today's look is basically put together by my 3 must haves for spring/summer.
1.- Cute long sleeve top: So I know when we think summer we automatically go for short sleeves and something light. But I always like having a nice "light" either long sleeve or sweatshirt. I usually live in shorts or skirts so I love that combo. especially here in Texas with the crazy A.C. This one from ChicWish is just perfect! it's slightly cropped so it goes well with high-rise shorts or skirts, it's lighter than a regular sweatshirt and has the cut outs in the sleeves, giving me a bit more of a breeze lol
2.- Ruffle skirts: Skirts in any form are a must for me but I love the ruffles and playfulness of this type of skirt for summer. They're usually a bit high waisted which makes them perfect to pair with crop tops without having to show too much. This one is from zara im having a hard time finding it online but i've linked some of my favorite styles below.
3.- Summer Slides/Mules: Some of you may know the story behind these shoes, if you watched my L.A Vlog. But I got them during our trip because I couldn't walk one more step in my wrap gladiator sandals. And they are amazing! they have a espadrille style sole, and are extremely comfy to walk in! trust me. So a good slide or espadrille is a must for me. These are Sam Edelman and are currently on SALE!
Bhaaloo update: You know I love my giant fur ball so much and an update on him is way overdue, especially now that's he's about to turn 10 months. For those who don't know much about him; He's a 9 month old Newfoundland. I've lost track of his weight right now, but I will probably get it sometime next week and let you all know (although it is over 100lbs)
He's finally starting to be more chill, if you know Newfies they're a chill breed to begin with but during their puppy stage they don't realize how big and heavy they are. But he's still a bit of a thief! and enjoys it so much! And although he's big he is just a sweetheart and my everyday companion. So of course he had to be in this special sunday post.
Como es su Domingo favorito?
El nuestro consiste basicamente en comer rico, salir a pasear con Bhaaloo y mas que nada llevarnos la tranquila. Lo cual incluye un look comodo. Y lo chistoso es que el de este Domingo lo arme con tres piezas que amo para primavera/verano.
1.- Top de manga Larga: Ya se que cuando pensamos en un look de calor lo ultimo que nos pasa por la cabeza es una sudadera o algo de manga larga. Pero para mi es de obligacion! Durante el verano me la vivo en shorts y faldas entonces me gusta balancear el outfit con algo de manga larga en especial con lo intensos que son aqui con el aire acondicionado! #SePasan .
2.- Falda Femenina: En realidad cualquier tipo de falda para verano es bienvenida. Pero amo el look femenino con olanes y me encanta que sean a la cintura como esta. Asi podemos usar una blusa mas corta sin que parezca ombliguera.
3.- Sueco y alpargatas: Si vieron mi Vlog de los Angeles habran visto que estos zapatos los compre porque ya no aguantaba mis sandalias. Lo que no saben es que no me las he quitado desde que las compre!! estan de los comodos! y aparte que uno de mis zapatos favoritos de verano son las alpargatas!
Bueno pues ya tiene tiempo que no les cuento de Bhaaloo, pero el gordo ya casi cumple 10 meses!!! Para muchos que me preguntan su raza es Terranova, en ingles se llaman Newfoundland y les dicen Newfie. La verdad es que ahorita no estoy segura de cuanto pesa. Solo que mucho jaja pero esta semana lo voy a llevar a chequeo y ya les contare en cuanto anda en realidad. Es mi super compañero y obvio lo tenia que incluir en este post de Domingo!