T3: Ready For Summer!
Hi Loves!
If you know me by now you may have noticed that my signature look are easy waves, and that's all good because I know how to do them. You could say it's my comfort zone, what you don't know is I struggle a bit when switching out my looks, for example wearing my hair straight ... the horror!!!
So I have very thing hair, which means if I use a flat iron my hair will be overly straight. But hair thin hair is no biggie it actually means it's easy to handle and style, just got to know how ... #Help

This is where T3 Micro comes in, You've probably heard me say my favorite curling iron is only $15 and I stand by but if it's one thing i've learned is finding good hair tools are always a good investment! it's just figuring out which ones are good. The first "hair tool investment" one must make is a Hair Dryer!
You guys have no idea how many hair dryers i've gone through!
One of them was so cheap it burned my hair, literally looked as if I had cut my bangs to only 2 inches, oh and the smell ... The next one decided it didn't want to be hot and would only blow cold air #LittleDiva
and the third that I can remember just lost power the air was just like a light breeze. This is when I learned to be picky and maybe pay a bit extra when it comes to hair dryers. I had been so curious about the T3 products, they have so many good reviews and awards ... and they're pretty ... Every single one is amazing!

I was very lucky ti get a chance to try some of their products starting with their FeatherWeight Luxe 2i dryer. And I gotta say we are now best friends. I am one of those who usually has to give my hair a little help drying because I don't know where time goes ... (but if you can and have the time always let your hair dry naturally before styling) ok back to reviewing! so this beauty sticks true to its name "FeatherWeight" it's very light and easy to use, unlike other dryers that it basically a gym session on your arm. So the one I got is set with the ceramic barrel brush, and it's an amazing deal.

The second product I got to try were T3's Volumizing Hot Rollers.
Now this was a fun one! I had a set of rollers when I was younger but haven't used them in years!! my grandmother lives by them, and her hair is amazing im not kidding she's 85 and her hair is longer and healthier than mine (i'm very jealous)
So i've actually learned rollers are a lot nicer on your hair and a great way to style, without damaging it, plus it's comfortable just putting them on and not having to worry about your hair. This curlers are easy to use and the sizes included are perfect for my hair (no worries you can actually buy extras in different size to complement your set)
I used these and as their name states they're Volumizing rollers, I loved how they actual gave more body to my hair without me having to use a curling iron, you will not however get that (curling iron) curl, these are meant for smooth, easy waves and/or volume hair. Old school rollers would burn your fingers off whenever you tried to grab them, that wont happen with these, their cool grip tech takes care of that, you also get two heat settings and clips are included in the travel/storage case.
I'm still trying to get the hang of it but I love having this alternative, and not having to put my hair through any more added stress and heat.

And although my little curling oldie is a keeper i'm looking forward to trying T3 Curling irons, because whether you're a Curling clip barrel like me, or a wand girl, The fun thing about T3 is they're convertible! meaning you can buy extra barrels instead of having to by another full curling tool.
What's your favorite summer hair look??
Hola Todos!!
¡Pues si ya me conocen habrán notado que mi look favorito son las ondas, y aunque he tenido suerte con mi tenaza (que es súper barata) he aprendido que invertir en buenos productos para cabello es algo que todas debemos hacer!
¡Empezando con la secadora, no tienen idea cuantas secadoras me he echado! de lo que me acuerdo, la primera; por ser chafa me termino quemando el fleco tal cual como si me hubiera explotado el boiler! La otra cual princesa decidió que ya no quería sacar aire caliente #Diva y la última nada mas perdió potencia y solo me echaba como una brisita.
¡Ya tenía mucho tiempo queriendo probar los productos de T3 Micro, seguro los han visto en redes sociales, pero si no sabian tienen las mejores reseñas y premios! ¡Y recientemente tuve la oportunidad de probar un par de ellos! ¡Se set de secadora y cepillo Featherweight Luxe 2i, la cual ame! súper ligera y un poco menos dañina que las secadoras normales. ¡Y su set de tubos “Volumizing Hot Rollers Lux” tengo mil años que no uso tubos, pero sé que son lo mejor, mi abuela lleva toda su vida usando tubos y tiene el pelo más largo y sano que yo! y la verdad es que los tubos son las mejor y más sana forma de peinarte (si es que los sabes usar) Estos en particular son más para volumen y ondas suaves, no esperes que sustituya el look que queda con la tenaza.
Para mí son perfectos porque yo tengo el cabello tan delgado que siempre que me trato de a lasiar, parezco perro mojado. Los tubos ayudan a darme más volumen y cuerpo. Pero lo que me encanta de estos es que puedes comprar tamaños y tubos adicionales para complementar tu set. Esto también es algo que hacen con sus tenazas, puedes comprar diferentes tamaños de pinza o tubo para no tener que gastar en una nueva.
Cual es su estilo de peinando favorito para el verano?
Although product was provided for review, all opinions and statements made here are my own.