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Macaron Night

It's not the first time I've posted about Sur La Table's super fun cooking classes, but this was actually my first sweet class! I had been wanting to take one of the dessert classes but the times never lined up with my schedule. And then a miracle happened ... One opened up and not just any kind of dessert but Macarons!! (For those who don't know this I am a the super fan of Macarons ... Like most people for that) and the timing was perfect it was actually on Labor Day, and I had no plans at all. Like I've said before these cooking classes are such a fun experience, they're completely hands on, so you really do learn exactly how to do things not just staring at the chef. I love them because they are great as a family activity, date night or just hang out with friends.

A while ago I bought myself a macaron cookbook, but never got the courage to make them, I had always heard that Macarons are special picky little guys, everything need to be perfect for them to come out OK. And so taking this class really cleared up the process and I learned how indeed picky they are to make. They're not impossible but if you can take a class I would highly recommend it!

We were quite lucky that since it was Labor Day not a lot of people signed up for the class, there were only four of us, and it was the best! We all got to do all the work, and really got a chance to ask a lot and best part we got to eat a lot of the Macarons and take a bunch home! Here's the recipe for both flavors (Below), but if you ask me the Cassis with blackberry butter cream filling takes it!! (Gold medal and all) this purple baby is amazing!!! Because the blackberry jam is not sweet you don't get sick of them, it was the perfect combination!

Sign up for your favorite class at just find the store near you and happy cooking!


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