
Aaah the eternal city!
One of the cities that takes up place in almost everyone’s bucket list and with good reason!
Rome holds so many secrets and is extremely rich in culture and history, but it is one of those cities that you should know what to expect and what to look out for (this list is all based on my September trip)
The colosseum: can’t miss it! But no matter what they tell you, you don’t need a guide! They will be hundreds outside trying to get you to skip the line if you purchase their service, you don’t need it! Line moves very quickly and once inside you can pick up an audio guide.
Via Condotti: Premier designer street
Spanish Steps: Newly renovated, they were unfortunately still closed for repairs when we were there but opened a week later.
The Vatican: Even if you are not religious, I highly recommend visiting the Vatican and the sistine chapel, completely breathtaking.
Palazzo Fendi: even if you don’t do any shopping its worth stopping by.
Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain)
Castello San Angelo: Loved it! But there’s a lot of walking and steps to climb, I so a few elderly people getting tired mid way and having to head back, be careful. But if you make it to the top there a cute café that has a view to whole city.

Food: I highly recommend avoiding the “touristic” restaurants. Believe me even in Italy you can get terrible pasta and still charge you a fortune. Ask your hotel for good authentic restaurants.
Tullio Ristorante: a bit hidden and you need a reservation but their black truffle spaghetti is amazing!!
Al Moro: Tiny little spot, family owned and operated but true authentic Italian food.
Café Greco
Due Ladroni: honestly one of my favorites!! more of a seafood specialty, needs reservation.
Magnum Roma: if you love Magnum ice-cream pops this is your paradise! An entire store where you can create you very own Magnum (via Condotti)
Gelateria Dil Teatro: Local ice-cream shop which just happens to have the most awards in town! We actually found it by chance while walking around! So worth it! Passion fruit and coconut!
Shinto Sushi: Ok so this may sound crazy, but believe me. After 3 full days of just eating pizza and pasta you start to hate it (lol) and this is how we ended up finding the best sushi in town! Make sure you have a reservation. And keep in mind it is not a Tourist spot, which is good!

Our Hotel:
Hassler Hotel: Perfect Location right above the Spanish Steps and amazing service and view! Our room had been completely renovated but my parents although it was much bigger was still pre-renovations. Not a big deal just something to keep in mind son you’re not surprised. Prices can really get up there during peak season for this hotel, mainly the location and name, so either book in advance or plan your trip during the tourist off-season.

Tips and Warnings:
Safety: Rome is amazing and totally worth it but like many big cities you have some sneaky locals so just like you would do in NYC or Paris, be careful, keep your purse close, stuff like that. Also beware of the flower guys!! I’m sorry but they’re so annoying! They try to hand you a rose, you think it’s a gift and once you grab it they’ll chase you all through Rome until you pay them. Also cab drivers, may over charge, not a big deal just check you change well before you leave the cab. Again this goes for any big city but Rome is one of the most visited cities in the world so you have a large amount of locals plus tourists on the street.
Hotels: Again Rome is amazing but when looking for hotels keep in mind that what a 5 star hotel is in Rome, it compares to a 3-4 star hotel in the U.S. They’ll still be great but because of this I would be careful when booking a 2 or 3-star hotel. What I mean is don’t be surprised if it my not have the same standards you’re used to back home.
Walk: Rome is a city that holds a little surprise on every corner, if you can walk to your destination DO IT!!

Airport: The Airport is quite far from the actual city, the cab drive is a bit long but it’s actually pretty to see the outside of the city. If it takes 40min to an hour to get to the inner city that’s totally normal.
Assisi: We Took a day trip to Assisi, which in theory is only 2 hours away but beware of traffic. That being said I absolutely loved the Italian countryside and getting out of the hustle and bustle that is Rome. Assisi is a tiny town, built on a hill top, with its church built in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. Recommend doing this if you have an extra day in Rome.